ALAJOOZ & ASSOCIATES is a law firm, which provides a variety of legal services in both local and transnational laws. The firm specializes in Commercial and Business Law, Finance and Banking, Domestic and International Arbitration, Litigation and Company Formations.
The Firm has been founded by Mr. Hasan Al Ajooz and it is under his direct management, Mr. Al Ajooz is committed to providing legal services of the highest caliber to all clients, dispensed on a range of both legal and business matters. The main focus of the firm is the constant improvement of dispensing legal services and the best interest of clients.
Our values
We at AlAjooz & Associates uphold the values and responsibilities entailed by the Lawyers’ Oath.
“I swear by God to practice the legal profession with honor, integrity and independence. Preserve the secrets that are made known to us, uphold the traditions, respect the Constitution and the Law”
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